Gobuntu shares the same system requirements as Ubuntu. At present, this means Gobuntu is available for 32-bit and 64-Bit PC architectures and the install requires at least 4 GB of disk space.
Why would I want Gobuntu?
If you are looking to build a free software distribution based off of Ubuntu, or you wish to use an operating system that only provides you with truly free software and content, you should consider trying Gobuntu.
Please note that because running Gobuntu on most laptops and many desktops will be difficult, Gobuntu is intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts at this time.
How do I get Gobuntu?
Download the text-based install CD. At present there is no live CD installer for Gobuntu.
Gobuntu has its own area on the Ubuntu wiki, a collaborative environment where the community can work together to share information. There is also a mailing list for developer discussion.
Size: - mB
Publisher: Visit Website
OS: -
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