Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

OrangeCD Suite

OrangeCD Catalog is the absolute music database software for cataloging your music in any format: CDs, DVDs, records, MP3 files or tapes. OrangeCD Catalog is the absolute music database affairs for cataloging your music in any format: CDs, DVDs, records, MP3 files or tapes. To add a new CD to the database, you just charge to admit the CD in your computer, and OrangeCD will download all advice from Internet. You don't accept to blazon a individual word. Filling your music CD database becomes quick and easy.

The consistent database can be acclimated for browsing, searching, press or exporting to any of the accurate formats. Now you can bound analysis if you own a specific anthology or song, acquisition its exact area on CD shelf, book CD banker basis area or account your absolute accumulating amount for allowance purposes. You can actualize web pages with the account of all your albums and upload them to your website. The feel and attending of the web pages is authentic by templates and can be customized even if you apperceive annihilation about HTML language.

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Size: 2.5 mB
Publisher: Visit Website
OS: Windows All

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