Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

COCO Simulator 1.1+

COCO is a free-of-charge, CAPE-OPEN compliant, steady-state, simulation ambiance consisting of the afterward components. COFE - the CAPE-OPEN Flowsheet Ambiance is an automatic graphical user interface to flow-sheeting. TEA - COCO's Thermodynamics for Engineering Applications, is based on the cipher of the thermodynamic library of ChemSep and includes a abstracts coffer of over 150 frequently acclimated chemicals. COUSCOUS - the CAPE-OPEN Unit-operations Simple amalgamation is alien with COCO. It contains a splitter, a mixer, heat-exchangers, pumps and reactors amidst added assemblage operations. CORN - the CAPE-OPEN Acknowledgment Numerics amalgamation that comes with COCO facilitates allegorical any affectionate of active or calm reaction. Simple reactor units, like about-face reactors, CSTRs and bung breeze reactors that can use the CORN amalgamation appear with the COUSCOUS package.

If u need a KeyGen, serial number and crack, please used Craagle 1.91
Screenshot :

Size: 15.568 kB
Publisher: Visit Website
OS: Windows All

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